Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cupcakes & Zombies

We're snowed in, Reader, along with everyone else who lives in the tundra of Northern Ohio.  So instead of complaining about it, we're sitting by the fireplace, cats on laps, watching the Olympics.

I should be doing a lot of other things, like cleaning and trying to find a yoga tape so I can work on getting more bendy. 

There's still time for some of that. After I eat a cupcake. 

Because I was in New York last night, with a connection through Newark, which is home to a Crumbs Bakery, which bakes the most tasty cupcakes my mouth has ever enjoyed, and so I brought some home with me. As a reward for working hard in New York, a.k.a, walking around a slushy city in the cold and trying to look professional when I was secretly a hot mess. Maybe it wasn't so secret. 

Anyway. I'm home now and should be more productive, because Walking Dead starts tonight and I  plan on being firmly planted in front of the telly during that time.  

What about you? What's new?

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